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FF Advice
FF Advice



10 team 1 QB Kw3 26 1st Is this fair Value in your opinions? I'd be getting walker. Trying to repeat this season and I have no 1st. I'd be giving up my only 26 1st but the goal is to win the chip and my rb room is lacking depth. Breece jk swift gibbs are the only ones worth mentioning. The rest of my roster is rock solid. If not kw3 then what other rbs could I target with this 26 most likely late 1st?? Appreciate the feedback

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10 team 1 QB Kw3 26 1st Is this fair Value in your opinions? I'd be getting walker. Trying to repeat this season and I have no 1st. I'd be giving up my only 26 1st but the goal is to win the chip and my rb room is lacking depth. Breece jk swift gibbs are the only ones worth mentioning. The rest of my roster is rock solid. If not kw3 then what other rbs could I target with this 26 most likely late 1st?? Appreciate the feedback