JBasseySwish3 β’ yesterday
CamCreach yesterday
Duke robbed so hard
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
zelayadiego7 yesterday
IU robbed
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
DemarioDouglas yesterday
i hope everyone is picking kentucky to lose
SlimeDog3000 yesterday
UTK winning the chip
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
KESSANDJP3 yesterday
I canβt believe they let UNC AND TEXAS OVER WVU ππ
Moore85 yesterday
Point University snubbed?
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
Krice05 yesterday
UNC natty otw
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
CrazyFisher yesterday
@Dotz5 how does this effect lebrons legacy
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
asons11 yesterday
Indiana donβt deserve it
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
giantknightmare yesterday
Red Storm all the way this year
CURRYBOT23 yesterday
Auburn and Duke ainβt getting past the second round
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
KickButowskI yesterday
I think gradyhiller20 wants MSU to win
Gradyhiller20 yesterday
MSU all the way
TryAgainGuy yesterday
rutgers ass??