Keep / Trade / Cut 🤔 Rashee Rice, DeVonta Smith, Rome Odunze
Keep smith Trade odunze Cut rice

Keep: Odunze -> Has a lot of upside in a Ben Johnson run scheme Trade: Smith -> His value is the highest and he’s the perpetual WR2 on the Eagles offense. Cut: Rice -> No guarantee he’s the same after the ACL injury, and the Chiefs offense is turning into the Patriots dynasty offense.

Trade Rome, Keep Smith, Cut Rice.
Rome KEEP trade Smith cut rice
Keep Rice, trade smith, cut Odunze; Odunze would be good if he was on a better team with a better QB

keep smith, cut odunze, trade rice
Keep Rashee trade smith cut odunze

Keep Devonta but Rome trade rice
Keep Smitty, trade Rice before he gets another vehicular manslaughter count, cut Odunze
Keep Smitty, Cut Rice, Trade Rome.
Cut smith. Trade odunze. Keep rice.

Keep smitty trade Rome cut rice
anyone cutting any of these dudes ?
Keep smith
Keep smith Trade rice Cut rome
Keep Smith Trade Rice Cut Odunze
Keep odunze, trade Smith and cut Rice
Keep smith Cut rice Trade odunze

Keep Odunze, trade Smith, cut Rice
Keep Drake London trade Smith cut odunze eat Rice

Smith, rice, odunze
Keep odunze trade rice cut smith Odunze in a ben Johnson offense is worth betting Rice someone as thir teams wr look at 1-4 weeks Cut smith with hirts stealing all tds and brown the redzone threat
Keep Smith, trade Odunze, cut Rice.
Keep Rice, trade Odunze, cut Smith.