ACOsman10 • yesterday
Congrats! Browns star QB Deshaun Watson is now engaged to his girlfriend Jilly Anais. Such a happy couple ❤️🥹
Jackcamino2009 yesterday
was this the massage therapist?
Johnsode25 yesterday
Stockholm Syndrome for sure
andrewdavidstewart yesterday
“I can fix him”
jstn0 yesterday
how did diddy watson get this far
BackyardDawg yesterday
Wtf is up with her thumb
shamilrocks yesterday
That’s a strong hand
Cvstrx yesterday
We do not care
TheDirtyDucati yesterday
I'm a millwright and her forearm is bigger than mine.
AidenKT11 yesterday
Gonna last for a month until he needs a massage
TheDirtyDucati yesterday
Ohhh shit that's her shoulder. I see it now.
jsolo1 yesterday
That’s one brave girl
CoachFlanderz yesterday
Why is this on the thread?
Loch25 yesterday
She’s woke
lastboyscoutntx yesterday
what the hell kinda predator forearm is that??? did someone photo shop and enlarge it?
Deplorable yesterday
Looks like she has strong hands
ScoBer yesterday
SDE247 yesterday
Star qb a stretch
DandyEbenezer yesterday
He got his happy ending
3and14 yesterday
Hoping the best for both of them!
MBarnhouse yesterday
Congrats to the happy couple! Massageltov!!!
Puckstrap yesterday
Of course Deshaun puts a ring on the double jointed woman with circus forearms
Loch25 yesterday
Hope they get divorced.
JosephSC28 yesterday
Uh who’s gonna tell her
JosephSC28 yesterday
Anybody? 🤣