When Connor goes down after literally having 160 yards in the first half @LemonSock what you tryna say? We win the game for sure if Connor never got hurt.
Arizona shattered their own playoff hopes. The loss was a foregone conclusion when they punted from the 2 yard line
Punting was the only decision but they fucked themselves
And mine too
Bro has to watch panthers and hornets rough times
lol cope
Education illegal where you come from Josh?
Do you really think panthers will ever be good @LemonSock 🤣
And we just beat you so suck it
@LemonSock you know your team is bad when you’re flexing a win against the Arizona cardinals
A hurt Arizona cardinals 🤣
It’s too easy lol you’re so triggered
I’m not even a panthers fan just wanted to see you crash out
“I’m not a fan of this team”(cause the team is asscheeks). @LemonSock it’s ok dawg. Own up to your panthers. They need you
Poor attempt at rage baiting @LemonSock you managed to piss yourself off rather than the guy who’s team managed to lose to the panthers 🤣
Bros cherishing this moment because Bryce young will never have a game with no turnovers again
Why would I be mad? You’re the one who’s on here raging because their team lost to an awful team.
It’s hilarious how much you crashed out
Why are you mad? @LemonSock let’s ask the source himself
You said “why am I mad” why would I know lol? I can’t see you. Tell me why are you mad?
When did I say that? You’re delusional
Yeah you’ve crashed out. It’s ok, you’ll recover eventually. Have fun missing the playoffs again.
Ngl @LemonSock “your delusional” sounded quite hostile if I don’t say so myself