Grade Caleb Williams performance in SNF:
“Can yOu typE sOmeThinG thAT StaYs”🤡🤡🤡🤡
@Lucifer427 before you try to say “I’m not pushing 40” just let me save us all some time. Look at your goofy username and tell me you aren’t a fossil?
You older than dirt damn near @Lucifer427
any solid bets for this falcons game?
“Lucifer” bros in a cult and pushing 40 arguing on sleeper threads for 3 hours. This was a great learning experience @Lucifer427 you showed me who not to be when I’m 40
Wasted Larry’s career, Dhops and about to be MHJs
With you officially losing and @nate725 losing a long time ago especially his bears. I’m done here lmao 🤣
bro said dhop
I’ve been watching you guys argue for awhile now. But if you were talking about him listening to Drake and making that joke why did you just claim he’s 15?
He was hiding his phone under the covers and his mom caught him. She just told me
Dude was playing the longest game of I know you are but what am I, never actually addressing anything anyone else said
@Lucifer427 @dhopsszn1 @nate725 you guys should get some fresh air and touch grass. It’s good for you
arguing on sleeper is inanse, have a good night
Turns out I was arguing the wrong person earlier even, hence the *You're confusion 😂😂
Anyways have a great work/school week everyone this was fun🤣
Go Saints!
Go Saints indeed goodnight brotha
Time to fire the coaching staff
C - for cooked
Whoever drafted him to be their number one qb F- him playing the game as a rookie on a really horrible team D+
Over hyped. Another dud QB