Continue To Roll With Courtland Sutton In Week 16
If he can just get 4 more points I'm chillen
Notice how they got an easy first down when they threw to Sutton but then shifted away and got stood up…bunch of morons on that team man
2nd target all second half is a joke
I need at least 13 or im over cooked
Can’t believe I trusted a bum rookie qb 🫣
I should have started devonte Smith 😤😤😤
Someone gotta touch bo nix
Teach him a lesson
traded away ceedee for this guy
You’re down 10 you need to score NOW, throw down field cucks
What a bunch of fuckin losers
Smart move
The only one they got really
Smart move? They aren’t getting the ball back, Sutton ends up with this
2 targets in second half, wr1. Clown show in Denver as usual
Lmao I meant the only good move for the Broncos not us fantasy degens.
lol gg
@jincredible69 haha fair enough
Shits done
U a bozo
Welp guys