George Pickens - Quiet against Cowboys
Last place I want him to go is LV. They’re QB situation is horrible
Just traded Ceedee for breece Pickens and Chubb
Pickens a bum. Dropping him for a NYG receiver.
The field was muddy as hell last game, need to see next week before anything. Can't rely on that game script for any evidence that he's slowing down
Should I trade Pickens for Singletary??
Dropping him for mooney
Projections be high af for no reason
Pickens or Diontae this week?
Jordan Mason and mclaurin for Puka and Pickens?
Have breece Kyren and Brob
My Pickens and Bucky for Pittman and chase brown?
Pickens or Brian Thomas this week?
brian robinson and pickens for barkley?
Am I crazy for starting Mooney over George
The moment I sit this guy he’ll go for 30. I really want to but I just can’t seem to do it 😩
Pickens or shaheed this week
Shaheed JSN or Pickens this week at flex?
Dowdle or Pickens at foex
Why is Pickens so bad all of a sudden?
Start pickens or lazard this week?
^ at flex
Just traded away Pickens and Ty Chandler for Hunt and Dionte 👍
Just traded this dude for baker. Got fields as QB so have a stack now atleast
Pickens or Jamo