vs ATL 2024-12-08
bro can this fucking kid stop, i need my falcons to win this game
Finally doing it when I start you, I love to see it! Your 3 best weeks were wasted on my bench!
I will never bench you again I’m sorry
if yall benched him against atl your stupid
I started him last week 😭
I have jettas and him on my team
Starting ROS
Go off KING!
fucking guy always does good when i bench him.
Holy mother of God.
you shut em up king 👑😍
People who doubted are quiet now don’t complain now
If you benched Addison vs the Falcons you deserve to lose this week
Never doubted you my king (I did) 😩😩
I benched him and still going to win
Him and jj going blow for blow
I’m disgusted that I have you on my bench
When you find out yo goat still has it
I’m playing against jj and before that I almost smashed my phone to bits
its all over my screeeeen
Start/Sit had Meyers well over Addison. Addison on my bench.