Brian Robinson - Wait-and-see mode with ankle
Bunch of dumbass casuals on here who only look at the box score. Fuckin dweebs are cosplaying football fans
Already got him subbed out for next week 👍 Rb is in shambles. Swift/Chuba ROS 😩
Chuba iight I take that back. Sorry big dog
Please let him rest up
We gat you a legit picks and it's been wild! Locked in some entries and hit on 2-pick, 3-pick, and 4-pick flex plays, TAP ON THE LINK TO JOIN 👉👉
Guarantee he misses week 13, then BYE, and will comeback strong, stay patient for playoffs, we’re looking at a league winner
“Please let him rest up” this soft nigga been resting up all season. Time to do your JOB lil boy
This mf really sold my team lmao
Getting benched for Ridley buddy
Chat he’s my Rb1, im cooked yo.
Rather start Bucky Irving anyway
B Rob or Najee?
Hm well he can wait and see the bench
Not risking it
bryan robumson
Crying Robinson
Bro sold my team (I lost by 50)
Call him out, let him rest up for yoffs please
On bye next week anyways so why risk anything
I fucking hate this guy
Is he playing or what?
They just activated Chris Rodriguez! I'm guessing they rule Brob out today!
U better fucking play bitch